间Chinese English Phrase:
| - 二乙基间甲苯胺 diethyl-m-toluidine
- 二人之间交换(言语、手势、暗号等) pass between
- n. 二年间, 二年间, 两年的时间 biennium
- n. 二楼的宽敞通风的房间 a large airy room on the first floor
- n. 二甲苯, 二甲苯m-xylol间二甲苯o-xylol邻二甲苯p-xylol对二甲苯, 二甲苯 xylol
- 二维空间滤光片 two-dimensional spatial filter
- adj. 互为前提的至少两个量之间的交替上升或下降 continuous increase or decrease in two or more quantities alternately because each depends on the other(s)
- n. 互相交往(尤指教会间, 如天主教与东正教之间的). mutual communion, esp between different Churches, eg Catholic and Orthodox
- 互通的房间- ting rooms
- n. 五, 五个一组, 五年, 五天, 五价物, 五价元素, 五年间 pentad
- 五大湖(加拿大与美国之间的五个大湖). five large lakes in N America between Canada and the US
- n. 五年的时间, 五年的期间, 五年, 五年期间 quinquennium
- 五档中间齿轮 gear, counter shaft fifth
- adj. 五花腌猪肉(肉层肥瘦相间). streaky bacon, ie with layers of fat and lean in it
- 亚历山大一世(1777-1825俄国皇帝, 在位期间1801-25) Alexander I
- 亚铃状间隙原子 split interstitial