| - 诺昔替林 Dibenzoxine
- 诺昔硫脲 Noxytiolin
- 诺更宁 Kliogest
- 诺更宁 Norethisterone+Estradiol
- n. 诺曼人的征服(即1066年诺曼人征服英国) the Norman Conquest, ie of England by the Normans in 1066
- n. 诺曼底, 诺曼底 normandy
- 诺曼底果酒 Calvados
- adj. 诺曼式拱顶、 大教堂等. a Norman arch, cathedral, etc
- adj. 诺曼式的(11世纪法国诺曼底入侵者引进英国的风格) of the style introduced into England in the 11th century by invaders from Normandy in France (Normans)
- adj. 诺曼征服(诺曼人於11世纪入侵英格兰). the Norman Conquest, ie the invasion of England by Normans in the 11th century
- 诺曼德地毯 nomad carpet
- 诺曼牌手表 Norman
- adj. 诺曼第的, 诺曼第人的, 诺曼底人的, 诺曼底民族的, 诺曼底式建筑的 norman
- 诺替西泮 Nortetrazepam
- 诺来替酚 Norletimol
- 诺果宁 Norprolac