| - 前级真空规 forepressure gauge
- 前置真空泵 vacuum forepump
- n. 前肢起扬, 腾空 pesade
- adj. 剧院昨晚几乎是空的. The theatre was almost empty last night
- abbr. 加入皇家空军妇女队. join the WRAF
- 加压填埋空隙 force fill process
- 加热的空气 heated air
- 加载互锁真空室 load-lock chamber
- adj. 加铅的, 加四乙铅的, 镀铅的, 行间空格特别大的 leaded
- n. 动物学教授的职位空缺, 已登广告徵聘. The professorship of zoology is vacant and has been advertised
- 匍匐空间 crawl space
- 化学计量空气 stoichiometric air
- 北方臭氧层空洞 northern hole
- n. 北极光(在北极上空夜晚可见由电辐射产生的带状彩色光, 以红绿为主). bands of coloured light, mainly red and green, seen in the sky at night near the North Pole and caused by electrical radiation
- 北极臭氧层空洞 Arctic ozone hole
- 区域网空中三角测量 block aerial triangulation