| - v. 他聲稱對該陰謀毫不知情. He professed that he knew nothing about the plot
- n. 他就是在這兒遭謀殺的. spot where he was murdered
- v. 他是這次謀殺案的主要懷疑對象. He's a prime suspect in the murder case
- v. 他的仇人竭力想把他牽扯進謀殺案中. His enemies tried to implicate him (in the murder).
- n. 他的仇敵圖謀把他搞垮. His enemies engineered his downfall
- 他被控告一級謀殺罪. first-degree murder
- v. 他被控殺人[三項謀殺罪]. on three counts of murder
- n. 他足智多謀. He's full of good ideas
- adj. 令人心驚膽顫的相撞事故、 謀殺. a horrific crash, murder
- 以民為本、為民謀利 rely on the people and work for the well-being of the people
- n. 夥同他人陰謀反對政府 plot with others against the State
- v. 你能替我謀到那份工作嗎? Can you swing it for me so that I get the job?
- vt. 使下水, 發射, 使升空, 送出, 使獨立謀生, 開辦, 創辦, 發動, 開展, 投, 擲, 發起 launch
- vt. 使服兵役, 徵募, 使參加, 爭取, 謀取, 獲得, 利用 enlist
- adj. 使用計謀的, 有詭計的, 狡猾的, 詭計多端的, 靈巧的, 辦法多的, 老謀深算的 wily
- v. 假裝不見,默許,共謀 connive