| - n. 人身牛头怪物, 弥诺陶洛斯(半人半牛怪), 人身牛头怪物 minotaur
- vt. 从事, 着手, 忙于, 约束, 约定, 使订婚, 与…订婚, 保证, 担保, 允诺, 雇用, 聘, 定, 吸引, 引起, 占用, 接战, 与...交战, 使参加, 使...卷入其中, 使咬合, 衔接, 使附墙, 使忙碌, 雇佣, 预定, 使从事于 engage
- 他们结婚时, 他答应她到巴黎度蜜月, 她要求他遵守诺言. He promised her a honeymoon in Paris when they got married, and she held him to it
- adj. 他们许诺说她要是参加就一定给她报酬. if she would take part
- adj. 他政治上的承诺只是表面文章. His political commitment is only skin-deep
- n. 他无钱偿付承诺的一切债务. He doesn't have enough money to meet all his engagements, ie to make the payments he has promised to make
- n. 他的许诺都是圈套和骗局. All his promises were snares and delusions
- 他米替诺 Tamitinol
- v. 他过於相信她[她的诺言]. her promises
- n. 他追踪自己的世系上溯至一个古老的诺曼家族. He traces his descent back to an old Norman family
- 付款契据(承诺每年付予某人、 某社团一定金额的契约, 受款人可据此兼获付款人为此款所付之税额). signed promise to pay a regular amount of money annually to a person, society, etc enabling the receiver to reclaim in addition the tax paid on the amount by the giver
- v. 以虚假的诺言哄骗某人 delude sb with empty promises
- 企诺牌照相机 Chinon
- 伊他诺酮 Itanoxone
- n. 伊利诺斯, 伊利诺伊, 伊利诺伊(美国), 伊利诺斯州 illinois
- adj. 伊利诺斯州的, 伊利诺斯州人的 illinoisan