| - v. 我虽已退休, 但仍做些义务工作, 以便了解当前的情势. Although I'm retired, voluntary work keeps me in the swim (of things).
- n. 我虽然这麽说, 我还是同意你的另一说法. , I agree with your other point
- n. 我认为第三小提琴手演奏得最好--虽然我并不是行家. I thought that the third violinist was the best player not that I'm any judge, ie I do not know much about the subject
- adj. 抗议的人虽然人数少, 但却是直言的少数. The protesters are a small but vocal minority
- 推定欺诈(虽非恶意诈骗但已通过其不实之言而使他人或公共利益受到侵害的行为) constructive fraud
- n. 搅乱战术, 比赛中为取胜而使用的不犯规的小动作, 小花招, 竞赛时使用的虽不光明但不犯规的方法 gamesmanship
- n. 此外, 这个词还可指某些群体, 虽然有共同的历史和语言, 却可能没有自己的国家或政权 the Association of South-East Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟. In addition, it can suggest a community of people who share a history and language but may not have their own country or state
- adj. 比率虽有下降, 但微不足道. amount
- adj. 汽车房虽然有用, 但不必要. A garage is useful but dispensable
- n. 汽车虽然受到多次碰撞, 但仍能开. The car's been knocked about a bit, but it still goes
- adj. 没有日期的, 无期限的, 年代不详的, 虽旧仍好的 dateless
- adj. 满足或满意於某事物(虽然可能有更高的要求) oneself with sth accept sth, even though one would have liked more or better
- adv. 然而, 虽然如此, 无论如何, 不管怎样, 可是, 仍然, 究竟, 另一方面, 不论到什么程度, 不过, 究竟 however
- conj. 用意虽好, 考虑欠周. It was thoughtless if well-meaning
- n. 老师虽尽力开导却劳而无功, 我仍像以前一样糊涂. The teacher's attempts at enlightenment failed; I remained as confused as before
- 虽不明讲, 而实际如此 in practice if not in profession