弱Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 中世纪的)骑士精神(如勇气、 荣誉感、 谦恭及扶助弱小等). ideal qualities expected of a knight, such as courage, honour, courtesy and concern for the weak and helpless (
- adv. 中弱. mezzo piano, ie moderately quiet(ly)
- n. 乳状, 乳白色, 奶的, 浊白色, 柔弱, 温顺 milkiness
- adj. 乳状的, 乳白色的, 柔和的, 奶的, 出乳汁的, 象牛奶的, 浑浊的, 温顺的, 柔弱的, 乳制的, 含乳的, 似乳的, 混浊不清的, 牛奶的 milky
- n. 二全音符, 短音符号, 令状, 特许状, 训谕示, 敕令, 短弱音符, 法院的令状, 谕令 breve
- adv. 些微地, 苗条地, 轻微地, 有一点, 略, 轻蔑地, 脆弱地 slightly
- 交易薄弱 thin trade
- adj. 仅以微弱多数票获胜的 that is won by only a small majority of votes
- adj. 他久病体弱. His body was wasted by long illness
- n. 他们日常饮食中蛋白质含量不足, 因而身体虚弱. They were weakened by a diet that was low in protein
- v. 他们观察到她随著病情变化身体也渐渐衰弱下去. They watched her gradually weaken as the disease progressed
- 他劳累过度, 身体逐渐衰弱. He was breaking up under the strain
- 他咳嗽有浓痰,而且觉得很虚弱 。 malaise = debility。
- n. 他心脏衰弱. His ticker's not very strong, ie He has a weak heart
- adj. 他是个高傲而懦弱的人. He's such a ,snotty-nosed little `wimp
- v. 他的勇气从未减弱. His courage never wavered