容Chinese English Phrase:
| - [美]容易地 in a walk
- [美]易怒的, 性急的, 容易冲动的 easy on the trigger
- [美]美容术[业] beauty culture
- [美]轻松高酬的工作; 有利的买卖; 容易取胜的比赛 soft snap
- [美俚]容易上当受骗的傻瓜名单 sucker list
- [美俚]容易受骗上当的人; 易被击败的运动员[队] quick push
- [美俚]容易对付的课程 pipe course
- [美俚]容易被敌人子弹打中的无经验新兵 bullet bait
- [美俚]随便花钱的人; 冤大头, 容易受骗上当的人 live one
- [美口]容易激动[发怒], 脾气暴躁 have a short fuse
- [美口]那是举手之劳, 那是再容易不过的事。 That's like taking a candy from a baby.
- [美口]面带笑容 crack a smile
- [谚]事后聪明不难; 作事后诸葛亮容易。 It is easy to be wise after the event.
- [谚]从容稳重, 无往不胜。 Fair and softly go far in a day.
- [谚]召鬼容易驱鬼难; 请神容易送神难。 It's easier to raise the devil than to lay him.
- [谚]得病容易去病难。 Diseases come on horseback and go away on foot.