| - vi. 争吵, 争论, 作潺潺声, 碎步疾走, 赶, 闪砾, 颤动, (为小事)争吵, 斗嘴, 流动, 闪动 bicker
- 二氧化碳喷嘴 snow nozzle
- 人工嘴 artificial mouth
- vt. 从嘴淌下,散漫地说 drool
- v. 从某人嘴里弄到消息. pry information out of sb
- 他们咧嘴傻笑. They grinned inanely
- n. 他们)把食物大块大块地塞进嘴里. shovelling food into their mouths (
- 他使劲儿把食物咽下去, 嘴唇都扭曲起来. His lips worked as he tried to swallow the food
- n. 他俩从一块儿读书起就没停过斗嘴. They've been sparring-partners ever since they were at school together
- n. 他切牛排时馋得嘴唇一张发出的声音. a greedy smack of the lips as he cut into the steak
- v. 他咧嘴一笑表示赞成. He grinned his approval
- v. 他喝汤时嘴唇发出啧啧的声音. his soup
- v. 他嘴上挨了打之後, 吐出血来. He was spitting blood after being hit in the mouth
- 他妻子不耐烦地咂著嘴. His wife tut-tutted with annoyance
- n. 他很能吃、 很贪嘴等. He's a big, greedy, etc eater, ie He eats a lot, eats greedily, etc
- v. 他挨了她一个嘴巴, 脸上热辣辣的. The slap she gave him made hischeek tingle