| - 铁幕(从西方观点看前苏联及东欧共产党国家与西方之间在信息、 贸易等方面的屏障) the frontier separating the former USSR and other communist countries of Eastern Europe from the West, seen by the West as a barrier to information and trade
- 铅粉油浸石棉方绳 lubricated and graphited braided asbestos square packing
- n. 铜斑蛇, 南北战争时同情南方的北方人, 铜头蝮蛇 copperhead
- 铝合金门方拉手 al-alloy square door pull
- 铝粉油浸亚麻方绳 lubricated and graphited braided flax square packing
- 铰接式方圆桌 hinged table
- n. 链轮扣链齿, 小狗, 仔, 崽子, 扣链齿, 辐杆, 田纳西州人的别名, 长方条耐火砖, 幼崽, 小畜生, 小崽子(骂人话), 幼兽 whelp
- n. 锁, 刹车, 水闸, 一绺头发, 头发, 一撮羊毛, 枪机, 有船闸的河道, (摔跤时的)揪扭, (机器)锁住, 关着, (方向盘的)转动行程, 一绺卷发 lock
- prep. 错在资方而不在劳方. It's management that's at fault rather than the work-force
- vt. 错放, 错摆, 忘记把...放在什么地方, 错误地信任, 把…放错地方, 爱错人, 信错人, 忘记放在何处, 放错地方 misplace
- n. 镀层有的地方已经磨掉了. The plating is beginning to wear off in places
- 镀锌四方船钉 galvanized iron square boat nail
- 镀锌四方船钉 galvanized squqre boat nail
- 镀锌四方螺丝帽 galvanized mild steel square nut
- 镀锌方形垫圈 galvanized square washer
- 镀锌方眼网 galvanized square mesh