| - v. 重述或以另一方式重申(某事物) again or in a different way
- n. 重音(用重读或提高音调的方法使一音节或词突出) emphasis given to a syllable or word by means of stress or pitch
- n. 野兽的巢穴, 躲藏处, 兽穴, 巢穴, 休息的地方, 围栏, 牛棚, 墓地, 埋葬地, 床, 窝 lair
- 野餐方便炉 picnic stove
- 量热状态方程 caloric equation of state
- 金婚纪念(西方风俗, 纪念结婚五十周年) golden wedding
- 金字塔式销售(商品销售方法, 一经销商购得经销权後将部分转售给其他经销商). method of selling goods in which a distributor pays a premium for the right to sell a company's goods and then sells part of that right to other distributors
- 金属材料的试验方法 The Method of Metal inspection
- 金融机构买方信贷险 FIBC financial institution buyer credit policy
- n. 金锭在警方的护送下运走了. The gold bullion was transported under police escort
- n. 鉴定岩石、 化石、 工具、 绘画的年代的方法. the method of dating rocks, fossils, tools, paintings
- n. 针状物(如松树的针叶、 尖的岩石或山峰、 方尖石碑等). =>illus at App in shape, appearance or use, eg the thin pointed leaf of a pine tree, a pointed rock or peak, an obelisk, etc
- n. 钙铝黄长石, 钙黄长石, 铝方柱石 gehlenite
- n. 钱币等背面花样和边缘之间, 该处之刻记, 钱币等反面底线下刻记年月日或铸造局名的地方 exergue
- n. 钻石, 金刚钻, 金刚石, 人造金刚石, 象金刚石的物质, 菱形, 方块, 内场, 球场, 钻石体活字, 钻刀, 特拉华州的别名, 煤, 钻石饰物, (纸牌的)红方块, 外粗内秀的人 diamond
- 钻石立方 Diamond cubic