| - n. 她在长期的苦难中心情一直都很平静. She maintained her equanimity throughout her long ordeal
- v. 她在难民中工作是因为她有很深的信念. A deep faith underlies her work among refugees
- v. 她坐在那里努力集中思想准备发言. She sat trying to gather her thoughts before making her speech
- adj. 她声音中流露出克制的兴奋之情. a note of subdued excitement in her voice
- n. 她声音中的一丝悲伤. a suspicion of sadness in her voice
- v. 她多月来一直从零用现金中偷钱. She had been pilfering from the petty cash for months
- v. 她妒火中烧. She was possessed by jealousy
- v. 她妒火中烧. She smouldered silently with jealousy, ie did not express it openly
- adv. 她威严地大步在宫殿中走过. She strode majestically through the palace
- v. 她对童年的一切记忆逐渐从脑海中消逝了. All memory of her childhood had faded from her mind
- v. 她射击全部命中目标. All her shots hit the target
- adj. 她尽管最近曾患中风, 但头脑仍很清醒. Despite her recent stroke, she is quite rational
- n. 她已入狱[在狱中]. is in prison
- n. 她当上了空中小姐, 到国外旅行对她已失去吸引力. Now that she's an air hostess, foreign travel has lost its glamour for her
- n. 她得在雨中等候, 对此十分气愤. She took exception to having to wait outside in the rain
- n. 她性格中温柔的一面 the gentle side of her character