| - v. 她在比赛中一度领先, 但最後得第四名. She was leading for part of the race but finally finished fourth
- n. 她在狱中写出了第一部小说. in prison, she wrote her first novel
- n. 她在狱中的岁月留下了精神创伤. Her years in prison left a scar
- 她在电话中说话不太客气. She sounded rather off on the phone
- v. 她在百米赛跑中获头奖. She won first prize in the 100 metres race
- 她在研究中有些发现令人很感兴趣. Her research has thrown up some interesting facts
- n. 她在竞赛中成绩优异获金牌. She won a gold medal for her fine performance in the contest
- 她在竞赛中获一等奖. She won first prize in the competition
- n. 她在管弦乐队中吹奏笛子. She plays the flute in an orchestra
- n. 她在管理阶层中地位很高. She's high up in the management hierarchy
- adj. 她在讨论中做了很多工作. Her contribution to the discussion was substantial
- n. 她在讲话中表示要引起警惕. She sounded a note of warning in her speech
- n. 她在该问题的公开辩论中很引人注目. She figured conspicuously in the public debate on the issue
- 她在辩论中决不会输给任何人. She can certainly hold her own against anybody in an argument
- 她在辩论中确实把我驳倒了. She certainly had me in that argument
- adj. 她在这项研究中的贡献大都没有获得承认. Her contribution to the research went largely unacknowledged