| - n. 指长裤)太短以致露出了脚踝的. too short, so that the ankles are seen (
- v. 指非法复制及出售唱片、 影片、 书籍等. are bootlegged when they aresmuggled or manufactured and sold illegally. *bootleg指非法运送、 制造及出售货物(尤指酒). When records, films, books, etc are illegally copied and sold they are pirated. *pirate
- adj. 指音乐演奏或录音)音乐会现场播出或录制的 given or made during a concert, not in a studio (
- v. 指风、 机器等)发出大而尖的声音 make a loud piercingsound (
- v. 指飞行器、 汽车等)急速移动(尤指发出嗡嗡声或轰轰声) move very quickly, esp with a buzzing or humming noise (
- adj. 指高尔夫球棒)击出高球用的. shaped to hit the ball high (
- v. 指鬼魂等)出动, 出现 be seen moving about; appear (
- v. 指鬼魂)常出没於(某处) regularly (
- n. 按他们平时的水平衡量, 这次演出不错. The performance was good, when judged by their usual standards
- n. 按出版社要求的格式写作(符合某出版社在拼写法及标点符号等方面的要求) write in housestyle, ie following the manner of spelling and punctuation,etc used by a particular publishing company
- n. 按出身和财富划分的类别. distinctions of birth and wealth
- adj. 按地区组织的、 列出的等. organized, listed, etc on a regional basis
- 按打(捆)出售货物 by the tally
- 按某排行、有某身分或於某地出生的 having a specific order, status or place of birth
- n. 按标准长度整件出售的布、 壁纸等的)匹, 卷, 条 standard length of cloth, wallpaper, etc as an item for sale (
- 按照出资比例 in proportion to one's respective contributions to the investment