| - prep. 那个笨蛋接待员在什麽地方? Where's that fool of a receptionist?
- n. 那个遭通缉的人至今仍未落入警方的罗网. The wanted man has so far escaped the police net
- adv. 那个阳台伸出於街道上方. The balcony juts out over the street
- n. 那主意招致双方的大量批评. The idea has drawn much criticism from both sides
- n. 那些汽车堵住出口能把这地方变成遭难场所. The cars blocking the exits could turn this place into a death-trap
- n. 那台巨型机器用滚柱移到了新的地方. The huge machine was moved to its new position on rollers
- n. 那名工会代表受到了指责, 说他是资方的傀儡. The union representative was accused of being a puppet of the management
- v. 那地方十分光亮. The place was flooded with light
- adj. 那地方容易到达. The place is easy to reach
- n. 那地方是一片熊熊的、 滚滚的、 咆哮的...火海. The place was a blazing, raging, roaring, etc inferno
- v. 那地方都知道是市内最危险的地段. It's known as the most dangerous part of the city
- adj. 那场比赛双方水平悬殊 our team won easily
- adj. 那孩子有的方面非常倔强. There's a very obstinate streak in that child, ie Some of his behaviour is very obstinate
- v. 那座山在东方天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明. The mountain was sharply defined against the eastern sky
- adj. 那房子坐落在村中草地最显眼的地方. The house is in a prominent position on the village green
- v. 那摔角手把对方摔倒(在地)了. The wrestler succeeded in throwing his opponent (to the canvas).