| - 指花朵等)开始长出, 吐艳, 开花 begin to grow; appear; flower (
- adj. 指著作)作者死後出版的 published after its author's death (
- adj. 指行为、 能力等)较早显出的, 超常的 showing this development (
- adj. 指衣服)紧身显出体形的. sticking to the body and showing its shape (
- adj. 指衣服)紧身显出身体线条的 clinging to the curves of the body (
- adj. 指衣物等)湿得可拧出许多水来的. so wet that a lot of water can be wrung out (
- v. 指观众或听众)用嘘声把(演出者或演讲者)轰下(台等) by hissing in disapproval (
- adj. 指角)凸出的. pointing outwards (
- n. 指言词)难於启齿, 说不出口 be difficult or impossible to say (
- adj. 指言语等)(出奇地)简短而晦涩的. mysteriously brief and obscure (
- 指证人)(作证後)退出证人席. leave the witness-box in a lawcourt after giving evidence (
- adj. 指词语、 文章等)(因有攻击性或下流)不宜印出的 too offensive or indecent to be printed (
- 指词语、 言论等)说出, 讲出 be spoken (
- adj. 指词语、 话语等)未经充分思考的, 脱口而出的. spoken or made without proper consideration or thought (
- adv. 指词语等)(在某书、 某文章等中出现於)各处, 到处, 多处. occurring throughout or at several points in a book, an article, etc (
- n. 指钟的报时装置)敲出(钟点) by striking (