  • n.  她击球未中.   and missed
  • v.  她刚从熟睡中醒来.   She had just woken from a deep sleep
  • v.  她到中国去了.   She has gone to China, ie is now in China or is on her way there
  • v.  她又皱眉头又跺脚表示生气(如在哑剧).   She frowned and stamped her feet to portray anger, eg in a mime
  • n.  她受聘在新政府任职.   She was offered a post in the new government
  • n.  她叙述中的事实根据.   a substratum of truth in her story
  • n.  她同意签订这合同, 其规定一年之後得加以修订.   She accepted the contract with the provision that it would be revised after a year
  • n.  她呆到中午才走.   She stayed until noon
  • v.  她呼吸中有大蒜味.   Her breath stank of garlic
  • v.  她和她丈夫在人群走散了.   She lost her husband in the crowd
  • n.  她回答中含有恶意.   There was a smack of malice in her reply
  • v.  她因中暑接受治疗.   She was treated for sunstroke
  • n.  她在一次攀登事故折断了脊梁骨.   She broke her back in a climbing accident
  • n.  她在一阵悔恨之把情人的信都烧了.   In a fit of remorse she burnt all her lover's letters
  • n.  她在丈夫去世後生活有过一段难堪的日子.   There was a terrible gap in her life after her husband died
  • v.  她在学教历史[教大学生历史课].   to undergraduates