| - adj. 指物件)出租的, 可租用的. that may be hired (
- v. 指物品)在未指出的某處 be in an unspecified place (
- v. 指狗、 人等)出長而高音的或微弱的哭聲或叫聲, (尤指因恐懼或痛苦)嗚咽, 啜泣. whine or cry softly, esp with fear or pain (
- v. 指狗等)露出牙齒低聲怒吠或吼 show the teeth and growl angrily (
- v. 指猴子或受驚嚇的人)快速地說或發出無意義的聲音 talk quickly or make meaningless sounds (
- 指電影、 戲劇等)上演, 演出 be shown or performed (
- adj. 指電)水力發出的 produced by the pressure of rushing water (
- vt. 指示, 指出, 表明, 顯示, 象徵, 暗示, 表示需要...作為治療, 使成為必要, 簡要說明, (常與that連用), 表示明白, 表示需要, 建議, 駕車轉彎時示意, 預示, 需要, 簡要地說明 indicate
- n. 指示, 指定, 指名, 指出, 指明, 任命, 選派, 稱呼, 名稱, 番號, 標號, 意義, 目的, 目標, 標明, 表示 designation
- 指算數題、 問題等)解出, 解决 be solved (
- adj. 指罪行)可提出控告或彈劾的 for which a public official or politician can be impeached (
- n. 指翹起上唇嗤笑, 流露出高人一等的或輕衊的神情 Compare smirk, sneer, frown, scowl and grimace. 試比較smirk、 sneer、 frown、 scowl、 grimace這幾個詞. These verbs indicate people twisting their faces to express various, usually negative, attitudes. 這幾個動詞表達的是面部的各種表情, 通常都表示有不好的含義. People smirk when they smile in a silly way to show that they are pleased with themselves, usually at the expense of somebody else. *smirk指自鳴得意地傻笑, 通常含幸災樂禍之意. When we sneer, we curl our upper lip to express a superior or contemptuous attitude to other people *sneer
- v. 指耶穌)將人類從罪孽中拯救出來. from sin (
- adj. 指船等)睏難地航行(尤指出事之後) proceed with difficulty in a specified direction, esp after an accident (
- n. 指藝術傢)展出(藝術品)(尤指於美術館) for the public, esp in an art gallery (
- suff. 指節目、 電影、 娛樂等)在上演, 在放映, 在演出 that can be seen; showing; being performed (