| - 她中学毕业以後想做什麽? when she leaves school?
- prep. 她中学毕业後就一直在一家银行工作. She's been working in a bank since leaving school
- v. 她从他的信中挑了几段念出. She read out extracts from his letters
- n. 她从他的口中打听到了获胜者的名字. She succeeded in pumping the name of the winner out of him
- n. 她从出售中净赚5英镑. She netted 5 from the sale
- n. 她从四十码远的地方把球打入洞中. She holed out from forty yards
- v. 她从帆板运动和滑雪中得到极大乐趣. She gets her kicks from windsurfing and skiing
- v. 她从我这里[从我手中]把信抢走了. out of my hand
- v. 她从球穴区的边缘轻击三次(以图将球打入穴中). from the edge of the green
- n. 她从童年的经历中吸取了灵感. She drew inspiration from her childhood experiences
- v. 她从船上跌落水中, 被鲨鱼咬了. She fell overboard and the sharks got her
- adj. 她从该课程中获益极大. She obtained maximal benefit from the course
- n. 她从这笔交易中获得百分之五的回扣. She got a rake-off of 5 per cent from the deal
- n. 她们在辩论中支持她们的姐妹. They supported their sisters in the dispute
- pron. 她写了几百部书, 但我只读了(其中的)几本. She's written hundreds of books but I've only read a few (of them).
- v. 她击回发球很快(在网球赛中). was very fast