| - v. 指浓稠液体)慢慢流出 come or flow out slowly (
- v. 指液体、 火焰等)喷出, 迸出, 涌出 come out in a sudden burst; gush (
- n. 指液体或气体)渗入或逸出 get in or out in this way (
- n. 指液体)喷出, 涌出 come out with great force (
- n. 指液体)喷出(呈雾状) be sent out in tiny drops (
- v. 指液体)溢出, 泼出(尤指从容器中) spill over the edge, esp of a container (
- v. 指液体)漏出, 渗出, 渗漏 flow slowly and in small quantities through a substance (
- v. 指液体)释放出气泡, 嘶嘶起泡. release bubbles of gas; fizz (
- v. 指液滴等)缓慢流出, 渗出, 分泌出 come or pass out slowly; ooze out (
- suff. 指演出、 戏剧等)在进行中 in progress (
- n. 指演出、 竞赛等)大局已定, 胜负已分(只剩下欢呼声、 大会正式宣布等) be concluded or decided, with only the applause, the official announcement, etc to follow (
- 指演员等)有意淡淡地说出(台词) in a deliberately casual way (
- 指演员)出台, 登场, 上场. walk onto the stage (
- adj. 指灵魂或魂魄)从躯体中脱离出来的, 出窍的, 游荡的. separated from the body (
- adj. 指照片、 镜子等)照出(人的)全身的. figure (
- 指照片)显影, 显出, 洗出 be developed (