| - 头等舱中不准吸烟. Smoking is not allowed in first class
- n. 头脑中充斥著坏思想 filling the mind with undesirableideas
- n. 头脑中总是不断地想著某一件事 have a particular idea which occupies one's thoughts continually
- n. 夹具, 夹入夹头中, 装卡, 卡紧 chucking
- 夹在中间; 左右为难; 处于两面夹攻之中 in the middle
- n. 夹在人群中的一小撮小流氓. a sprinkling of hooligans in the crowd
- 夹壁墙(两道墙中间有空隙, 用以增强绝缘性). wall consisting of two separate walls with a space between, designed to give extra insulation
- n. 夹页, 插页, 书页中夹入的空白纸, 夹页上印的东西, 中间层, 夹层, 插入的空白纸 interleaf
- 奇迹剧; 神迹剧(欧洲中世纪根据耶稣和圣徒生平事迹编写的戏剧) miracle play
- n. 奉献仪式, 圣餐礼拜中的奉献仪式, 奉献金, 捐款, (圣餐礼中)奉献面包和酒的仪式, (礼拜时的)献金仪式 offertory
- 奏效, 命中 carry true
- n. 契约或争论中的)一方, 当事人 person or people forming one side in a legal agreement or dispute (
- v. 奥德赛》史诗中歌颂了奥德修斯的丰功伟绩. Odysseus's heroic exploits are celebrated in `The Odyssey'. 《
- n. 女人, 老太婆, 纵梁, 船梁, 火车中支持车顶的横木或铁柱 carline
- n. 女妖, 魔鬼, 娼妓, (传说与睡梦中男子性交的)女淫妖, 妓女 succubus
- n. 女子哀悼中的恸哭. the ululations of the mourning women