| - n. 这种方法含有某种创新的意义. There's a certain novelty value in this approach
- n. 这笔帐属於借方还是属於贷方? Cf 参看 debit. Is this item a debit or a credit?
- adj. 这篇论文中有些地方相当专业化. The article is rather technical in places
- adj. 这篇评论对影片宣扬暴力方面未作批判. The review is uncritical of the violence in the film
- n. 这部书有些地方写得很有趣. Parts of the book are interesting
- n. 这里地方过於狭窄. room to swing a cat in here
- n. 这镇子是英国最寒冷的地方. This town is the coldest place in Britain
- n. 这问题还有一方面我们没讨论过. There is a dimension to the problem that we have not discussed
- v. 这阵雨把大家浇得纷纷找地方躲避. The rain sent everyone scurrying for shelter
- 进入视域内, 走到被...看得见的地方 come in view of
- n. 进化, 发展, 进展, 进展, 演变, 渐进, 放出, 放出物, 演化, 进化论, 开方, 按照计划的行动, 操练, 变换队形, 战术机动, 种族发生, 系统发育, 个体发生, 形成, 规定动作, 旋转 evolution
- n. 进行罪恶活动的地方 a place where evil or immoral activities go on
- v. 进行道德、 操守等方面的说教(尤指唠叨、 令人厌烦) give unwanted advice on morals, behaviour, etc, esp in a persistent, annoying manner
- n. 远处, 远方 far
- 远方, 向远方 to a distance
- 远方, 远处 far afield