| - 指出某人(性格方面等)的弱点 put one's finger on sb.'s weak spot
- v. 指出流行一时的说法的不是. debunk fashionable opinions
- n. 指出词语的派生词形和词义. give the derivations of words
- vt. 指出(原因),指示正确位置 pinpoint
- n. 指发出尖利的声音, 是痛苦、 惊讶等的自然反应 、 shout、 yell、 scream的用法. These verbs indicate people making different kinds of noise for various reasons. 这四个动词指人们因不同原因而发出各种声音. We cry out by making a sharp noise as an automatic reaction to pain, surprise, etc *cry out
- 指发动机等)停止运转, 停机, 出故障 stop working; break down (
- 指向出口标记 directional exit sign
- adj. 指呼吸或人呼吸时)发出呼噜声的, 打鼾的. making a loud snoring noise (
- v. 指器官, 如直肠或子宫)脱垂, 脱出. slip forward or down so that it is out of place (
- adj. 指回答或行动)未经提示做出的, 自发的 not said or done, etc as the result of a hint, suggestion, etc; spontaneous (
- n. 指地方)产生回声, 发出回声 repeat a sound (
- v. 指士兵、 警方等)出击、 巡逻等 carry out raids, patrols, etc (
- adj. 指声音)似由空腔中发出而生共鸣的, 重浊的 echoing, as if coming from a hollow place (
- adj. 指声音)(似)喉间发出的 produced in the throat (
- 指太阳、 月亮或星星)露出, 出现 become visible; appear (
- adj. 指婴儿、 其出生等)早产的(比预产期至少提前三周) born or occurring at least three weeks before the expected time (