| - n. 大错, 大失策, 愚蠢的错误, 谬误, 故障, 误差, 脱靶, 未射中, 失误 blunder
- 大锯中承旋开桥 pit saw
- n. 大雾中能见距离已降至100米. Visibility was down to 100 metres in the fog
- v. 大风险些把我手中的伞给刮跑了. The wind nearly tugged my umbrella out of my hand
- 大麻子油中毒 cannabis seed oil poisining
- 天主教中)弥天大罪. sin that causes the loss of God's grace and leads to damnation unless it is confessed and forgiven (
- n. 天主教教义中的)炼狱 place or condition in which the souls of the dead are purified by suffering in preparation for Heaven (
- n. 天井, 天井, 院子, 房子中的内院, (和房屋相连的)室外就餐处 patio
- n. 天使(尤指基督教信仰中上帝的使者或侍者) messenger or attendant of God
- 天朝(指中国) the Celestial Empire
- 天然中子 natural neutron
- n. 天空中各种形状的云彩 clouds of different shapes in the sky
- n. 天空中昆虫的)群 mass of insects moving together in the sky (
- n. 太妃糖, 乳脂糖(亦作toffy), 胡说, 中褐色 toffee
- n. 太平洋, (前面与the连用)太平洋, 太平洋, 中太平洋 pacific
- 太平洋地区中央银行会议 Pacific Basin Central Bank Conference