| - n. 浓密的黑发衬托著他的面庞. A dense mass of black hair framed his face
- n. 浣熊, [口](=racoon)浣熊, 树狸, [美蔑]黑人, [喻]滑头, 机灵鬼, 黑鬼, 浣熊, 无可救药者, 黑人 coon
- 海关人员查获了按黑市价格超过100万英镑的毒品. million
- 海燕牌黑白电视机 Petrel black-white TV set
- 海盗船的黑旗(骷髅旗). the black flag of a pirate ship (with skull and cross-bones)
- n. 海鸽, 海鸠(北方海鸟, 长有黑色和白色羽毛, 嘴狭长). northern sea-bird with black and white plumage and a long narrow beak
- 涂料色浆黑 pigment printing ink black
- n. 涂漆, 使表面平滑发光, 涂漆, 涂黑 japanning
- n. 涂黑, 变黑, 致黑, 发黑度, 烧坏, 黑犯, 黑色涂料, 炭粉 blackening
- vt. 涂黑, 抹黑, 贬低, 诋毁, 玷污, 诽谤, 污蔑 denigrate
- 淋溶黑钙土 leached chernozem
- 淋溶黑钙土 luvic chernozems
- 淋溶黑钙土 luvic chernozem
- adj. 淫秽的, 熏黑的, 脏的, 患黑穗病的, 猥亵的, 煤黑的 smutty
- 混合黑色石厌土 mixed rendzina
- n. 混浊, 浓密, 暗黑, 混乱 turbidness