| - adj. 毁坏的, 破坏的, 毁坏了的, 灭亡了的, 破产的, 堕落的, 毁灭的, 荒废的 ruined
- n. 毁弃, 掠夺, 毁灭文件, 篡改文件, 冒领, 腐败, 腐朽, 抢劫, 抢夺, 销毁 spoliation
- v. 毁灭, 吞噬(某事物) destroy (sth)
- 毁灭, 完蛋 go to the dogsdog
- vi. 毁灭, 灭亡, 死去, 枯萎, 腐烂, 腐朽, 死亡 perish
- 毁灭, 灭亡; 崩溃; 破坏掉 come to ruin
- 毁灭, 灭亡; 崩溃; 破坏掉 fall to ruin
- 毁灭, 灭亡; 崩溃; 破坏掉 go to ruin
- 毁灭, 荒芜; 坍塌 go to wrack and ruin
- adv. 毁灭地, 败坏地 ruinously
- 毁灭性大灾祸的 catastrophic
- 毁灭性爆炸 catastrophic explosion
- adj. 毁灭性的, 消溶的 dissolving
- n. 毁灭性的大火(殃及之处) large destructive fire
- adj. 毁灭性的战争、 饥荒、 风暴等. a devastating war, famine, storm, etc
- n. 毁灭的原因, 破产, 毁灭, 祸根, 毁坏, 灭亡 ruination