  • n.  他的话为一阵雷声所淹.   His words were drowned in a crash of thunder
  • v.  他的话让掌声淹没了.   in the applause
  • n.  他穷得连一个子儿也有.   He hasn't a sou, ie He's very poor
  • v.  他竟认出那是你? 真可笑!   And he didn't realize it was you? What a laugh
  • n.  他絮叨了半天, 谁也听进去.   He waffled on for hours but no one was listening
  • conj.  他结婚结婚, 你知道吗?   Do you know if he's married?
  • adj.  他给我们搭的花园棚屋很水平.   He made a very unprofessional job of putting up the garden shed for us
  • n.  他绞尽脑汁算了一夜也把帐算清.   He tussled all night with the figures, but couldn't balance the account
  • n.  他老是使用双关语, 我觉得很意思.   He's always punning and I don't find it funny
  • n.  他考试及格实在是侥幸, 因为他根本下过功夫.   Passing the exam was a real fluke he didn't work for it at all
  • n.  他考驾驶执照五次都及格.   He failed his driving test five times
  • n.  他自命不凡. a cat-and-dog life a life in which partners are frequently or constantly quarrelling (在一起居住者)经常吵架的生活. a cat in hell's chance (of doing sth) (infml 口) no chance at all 一点儿机会也有. curiosity killed the cat => curiosity. let the   He thinks he's the cat's whiskers, ie has a high opinion of himself.
  • adj.  他觉得他的生命已经有再活下去的价值了.   He felt that his life was no longer worth living
  • v.  他讲的一句实话都有.   There's not a jot of truth in his story
  • conj.  他说他们已经结婚了, 可是我肯定他们结婚.   He said they were married, although I'm sure they aren't
  • prep.  他说他有她就活不了.   He said he couldn't live without her