| - n. 因身体有病、 脾气暴躁、 命运不好等而吃苦头. be cursed with bad health, a violent temper, bad luck, etc
- 困难地; 吃力地 with difficulty
- adj. 圣诞节时吃火鸡是英格兰的传统. It's traditional in England to eat turkey on Christmas Day
- 在不利的条件下工作; 干活很吃力 work at arm's length
- 在吃饭时; 正在吃饭 at table
- 在外面吃饭; 上馆子吃饭 eat out
- v. 在我们到那里之前, 他们已经把聚会上的食物全吃光了. They snaffled all the food at the party before we got there
- adj. 在水中生长的, 在水下的, 水中的, 在水中操作的, 潜水的, 吃水线以下的, 在水中的 underwater
- n. 在牧场上吃草的牛群 cattle grazing in the meadows
- v. 在田野里吃青草的牛. cattle grazing in the fields
- adv. 在英格兰, 圣诞节时按传统要吃火鸡. In England, turkey is traditionally eaten on Christmas Day
- n. 在评论态度、 行为等发生变化时, 用以表示不以为然的惊讶、 吃惊、 抱怨等) sth => think1. watch the world go by => watch2. the way of the world => way1. what is the world `coming to? (used as an expression of disapproving surprise, shock, complaint, etc at changes in attitudes, behaviour, etc
- adj. 在这样的热天吃冷食更好. Cold food would be preferable in this heat
- 在饭后闲谈中;在吃甜食的时候 over the walnuts and the wine
- v. 在饭馆等处吃饭(不在家中吃) Paying for that new carpet has eaten into my savings. 付新地毯的款用去了我的一部分储蓄. eat out have a meal in a restaurant, etc rather than at home
- n. 在鱼和肉两道主菜之间, 你吃的是什麽菜? What did you have as an entree?