Chinese English Phrase:
  • adj.  因有电话骚扰而不将电话号码入电话簿中.   go ex-directory because of hoax telephone calls
  • adj.  团队的吉祥物、 乐队、 队   a regimental mascot, band, parade, etc
  • abbr.  国民保险扣除额(如工资单所的).   NI deductions, eg on a pay slip
  • n.  圆, 范围, 巡回, 圆形物, 球形物, 一整片(面包), (送报、送信等的)例行路线, 一连串, 一系, 一轮, (给每人)一客, 一份, 一回(合), 一场, 一局, (弹药的)一发, 轮唱, 一轮   round
  •   圆形签名陈情书、 请愿书等(签名排成圆形, 故分不清先後).   statement, petition, etc signed by a number of people, often with signatures arranged in a circle to conceal who signed first
  •   土壤年龄系列   chronomorphric soil
  •   土壤系列   soil sequence
  • n.  土生土长的以色人, 出生在以色的犹太人   sabra
  •   土系列   soil series
  •   圣瑞恩格列齐特   Gliclazide-Ruikang
  •   圣瑞恩格列齐特   Gliclazide
  • n.  圣经中的)吗哪(以色人在旷野四十年中神赐的粮食).   food provided by God for the Israelites during their forty years in the desert (
  • v.  在两种拼法皆可时, 本词典将之一并出.   criticise. -ise is more common in British than in US English. *-ise的拼法在英式英语中比在美式英语中常见. In this dictionary both spellings are shown when both are possible
  • n.  在以色出生的犹太人.   Israeli Jew born in Israel
  •   在举项目时, 要将first(ly)、 second(ly)、 third(ly)等词置於句子或从句之首. They are usually followed by a comma. 在这些词後面通常用逗号. Some speakers prefer first to firstly 有些人说话时愿用first而不用firstly   , etc are put at the beginning of the sentence or clause.
  • prep.  在队行进时因怀疑有炸弹而引起恐慌.   There was a bomb scare during the procession