| - vi. 下垂, 脫垂, 脫出 prolapse
- n. 下垂, 脫垂, 脫出, 下垂, (直腸、子宮等器官的)脫垂 prolapse
- adj. 下屆選舉中英國工黨可能推出的候選人 the prospective Labour candidate at the next election
- 下星期五晚上8時播出第一集. The first episode goes out next Friday evening at 8.00 pm
- v. 下月公司將推出新型號産品. The company is launching a new model next month
- vi. 下來,下降,遺傳,突擊,出其不意的拜訪 descend
- 下次新月出現後. Cf 參看 full moon (full). after the next new moon
- 下水道污水排出口 outfall
- vt. 下相反的命令取消, 取消(命令), 撤回, 召回, 調回, 取消定貨, 廢止, 取消, 撤回(已發出的命令等), 撤消, 下反對命令召回 countermand
- 下行列車(尤指英國從倫敦開出的列車) down train
- n. 下議院議員道出了公衆對增加稅收的不滿. MPs voice public dissatisfaction at having to pay higher taxes
- 下車, 走出, 離開; 擺脫 get out
- 下車;出發;離去;不涉足,避開;脫下(衣服等);使免遭處罰 get off (with)
- adj. 下雪天外出要穿上最暖和的衣服. Put on your warmest clothes before you go out in the snow
- n. 不交租金就可能被趕出去. Non-payment of rent can mean eviction
- 不會打出火花 nonsparking