  • n.  咱们打个比方吧, 有个某某生来旅馆登记.   Let's suppose a Mr So-and-so registers at the hotel
  •   唐氏综合症(一种头颅宽扁、 眼斜的天白痴).   abnormal condition in which a person is born with a broad flattened skull, slanting eyes and mental deficiency
  •   唯心论的先验论 -rist   idealist apriorism
  • n.  啊, 你可真吓了我一跳! keep, etc one jump ahead (of sb) remain one stage ahead (of a rival) 保持领於(对手的)地位. take a running jump => running.   Oh, you did give me a jump!
  • v.  喊`对儿'纸牌游戏(亮出相同两张牌时, 玩牌者竞喊出`对儿')   card game in which players call out `Snap' when two similar cards are laid down together
  •   喝点茶吧.'`我把工作做完再说.' Cf 参看 last2.   Have some tea.' `I'll finish my work first.' `
  • adv.  回到更坏的或前的状况   toward a worse or a previous state
  • v.  回复到自然的或原的状况   revert to type return to a natural or an original condition
  •   团队争先赛   team pursuit
  • adj.  固定的, 不变的, 准备好的, 确定的, 固执的, 凝固的, 不易挥发的, 不可调的, 不可卸的, 处境......的, 通过作弊预安排好结果的, 不动的, 安排好的, 确定了的, 不易发挥的, 处境...的   fixed
  • n.  图解, 图表, 摘要, 一览, 格, 修辞手段, 验图式, 法衣, 纲要, 计划   schema
  •   圆形签名陈情书、 请愿书等(签名排列成圆形, 故分不清後).   statement, petition, etc signed by a number of people, often with signatures arranged in a circle to conceal who signed first
  •   圈叉游戏(在井字形九格中各画0或X, 将三个连成一行者胜).   game played by writing 0s and Xs on a grid of nine squares, attempting to complete a row of three 0s or three Xs
  • v.  土豆可煮至半熟再烤.   Potatoes can be parboiled before roasting
  • vt.  在...之, 领于, 在...之上, 比...重要, 在...前加上, 为...加上引言   precede
  • v.  在...之前, 优于, 较...优, 领, 于   precede