| - 充麂皮手套 chamois suede gloves
- 充麂皮棉织物 chamois suede fabric
- 充麂皮针织手套布 chamoisette
- 充麂皮针织物 shammy fabric
- 光缆缆芯填充料 filling material for optical fiber cable
- 全棉充毛开士米织物 cotton cashmere
- adj. 共鸣的, 反响的, 有回声的, 共振的, 能共鸣的, 深沉的, 哄亮的, 充满声音的, 引起共鸣的 resonant
- adj. 兴奋的,充满喜悦的 flushed
- 兴致勃勃; 充满欢乐精神; 振作起来, 鼓起勇气 be of good cheer
- n. 内容充满辱骂和诽谤的书. a book full of scurrility and slander
- 内磨砂充气灯泡 inside frosting gas filled lamp bulb
- n. 再充电, 再袭击, 再装填 recharge
- 再充电的手提灯 rechargeable handlamp
- 再充装 recharging
- 再充装 refill
- 再补充CZ法 recharge CZ method