| - 双侧海棉体破裂修复术 Repair ruptured corpus cavernosum, bilateral
- 双样板修整机 two-screed finishing machine
- 双边修边剪切机 double-sided plate trimming shears
- 双边齿修树锯 double-edge prunning saw
- n. 反对修筑新高速公路计画的人 objectors to the plans for a new motorway
- n. 反对党已对议案提出几项修正. The Opposition have tabled several amendments to the bill
- 反应堆维修厂房 reactor service building
- 反应堆维修桥式起重机 reactor service bridge
- v. 反覆修改自己的时间表以便插入额外课程 juggling with one's timetable to fit in the extra classes
- n. 发明, 发明的才能, 想出的办法, 设计(方案), 计划, 发明[设计]的才能, 巧思, 发明物, 设备, 装置, 计策, 诡计, 人工修饰, 设计, 发明才能 contrivance
- n. 发现并修理故障,解决纷争 troubleshooting
- n. 取回, 恢复, 修补, 取回, 挽回, 挽救, 拯救, 修正, 弥补, 补偿, 信息检索, 拆垛, 出库, 重获 retrieval
- v. 取得资格, 有资格, 具有资格, 证明合格, 限制修饰 qualify
- n. 受到损坏的画、 花瓶、 镶嵌画等的完全修复. complete restoration of the damaged painting, vase, mosaic, etc
- adj. 变了色的, 有褐斑的, 变酸了的, 生褐斑的, 修过面的, 受骗的 foxed
- 口腔鼻腔瘘管修补术 Repair of oroantral fistula