| - adj. 指人)出现, 出席 appear or attend (
- adj. 指人)出错, 有错误 mistaken (
- n. 指人)发出表示不同意等的声音. by making a similar noise (
- adj. 指人)著名的, 杰出的, 卓越的 famous and distinguished (
- v. 指人)(说话急、 愤怒时等)发出咯咯声. make such a sound when speaking quickly, angrily, etc (
- adj. 指价格、 费用等)不公道的, 高得出奇的 unfairly or ridiculously high (
- adj. 指会议等)全体出席的 attended by all who have the right to attend (
- n. 指伤口等)排出液体的, 流脓的. exuding liquid or pus (
- v. 指光或热)从某物中发出 be sent out from sth by radiation (
- adj. 指决定、 意见等)一致做出的, 一致通过的 given or held by everybody (
- v. 指出,指,描准 point
- vt. 指出,指,瞄准 pointed
- n. 指出两起事件的相似之处 point to analogies between the two events
- adj. 指出击)用左手的. delivered with the left hand (
- n. 指出受批评、 受指责、 受称赞等人的名字 name `names givethe name of a person or people being criticized, accused,praised, etc
- 指出某人(性格方面等)的弱点 find one's finger on sb.'s weak spot