| - 这个方法有两个优点 it is quicker
- n. 这个箭头指错了方向. The arrow is pointing the wrong way
- n. 这个锅用後要彻底擦乾方可收起. The pan must be dried well before you put it away
- n. 这个问题有很多方面. There are many facets to this question
- adj. 这些医生都无根治良方. cure
- n. 这些变革有的方面有好处, 有的方面没好处. The changes are beneficial in some ways but not in others
- n. 这件古装的每个小地方都完全真实. The details of the costume were totally authentic
- n. 这份报纸是共产党的官方喉舌. This paper is the official organ of the Communist Party
- adj. 这地方多没意思! What a dead place this is
- n. 这地方好像很熟悉--大概我从前来过这里. This place seems familiar to me I think I've been here before
- n. 这地方是罪恶的渊薮. The place gave off a strong emanation of evil
- v. 这地方由原来的渔港发展成一个繁荣的旅游胜地. The place has developed from a fishing port into a thriving tourist centre
- v. 这地方的窃听器已彻底清除. The place has been completely debugged
- n. 这壶嘴儿有个豁口, 倒起来不方便. The spout is chipped so it doesn't pour very well
- v. 这家小酒店是艺术家们喜欢光顾的地方. This pub is a favourite haunt of artists
- n. 这家小餐馆是作家和艺术家经常聚会的地方. This cafe is a rendezvous for writers and artists