  •   拿精力工作, 发泄某种感情   work off steam
  •   拿出精神; 使劲, 加油   put on steam
  •   拿;去掉;扣除;(通过申请等)取得,办理;(on)对….发泄   take out
  •   拿别人出气   Take it out on someone
  • v.  持续而秘密地寻找或调查(如找错误、 违章现象等)   in a persistent and secretive way
  • n.  持警棍击(警察等用警棍驱退群众).   a baton charge, ie one made by police, etc armed with batons to drive a crowd back
  •   挂舰队司令的旗帜; 行使舰队司令指挥权   fly one's flag
  •   挂名人物, 面人物(常指非法活动); 叫喊招揽观众的人   front man
  •   挂在...上; 笼罩; 突于; 俯临; 盘旋于   hang over
  •   挂钥匙的儿童(尤指因父母外工作, 故放学回家需自行进屋的).   child who has to let himself into his house or flat and look after himself, esp after returning from school, because both parents are out at work
  • v.  指东西)发似呻吟的声音   make a noise like that of groaning (
  • adj.  指主意)别心裁的, 奇妙的   very clever and original (
  •   指书、 唱片等)不在图书馆或资料库, 借   not in the library (
  • adj.  指人, 尤指家中同辈的至少三个成员中的)第一个生的, 年长的   first-born; oldest (
  • v.  指人的咳嗽、枪击等)发似犬吠的声音.   make a similar sound (
  • adj.  指人)出席, 在场   being in the place in question (