| - n. 过错, 冒犯, 犯法, 讨厌的东西, 进攻, 攻击, 攻击部队, 进攻的一方, 罪源, 绊脚石, 犯罪, 违反, 罪过, 攻击 offence
- 运动方向线法 direction lines method
- adj. 近来各方面都有所改进. There's been an overall improvement recently
- v. 还是个法律术语, 用以指房产的卖方 a street vendor, a news-vendor 街上的摊贩、 报贩. It is also a legal term used especially in the selling of a house *vendor
- 还有许多不足之处, 还有许多地方有待改进 leave much to be desired
- adj. 这一後缀意为`向著某方向', 用以构成副词和形容词 The suffix -ward means `in the direction of' and forms adverbs and adjectives*-ward
- n. 这一词常指发言者就某问题的各个方面交换意见及进行辩论 talk with a serious purpose. *discussion指有重要目的之谈话. It is often a formal exchange of words in which speakers argue about and examine different aspects of a subject
- adj. 这两个方案是相互抵触的. The two plans are mutually exclusive, ie If you accept one you must reject the other
- v. 这两个词均可表示有意地伤害对方 Hit is used in a more general way than strike or beat. *hit比strike或beat用得广. A person, an animal or a thing can be hit by a hand or by an object held or thrown. 用手、 用手执物或投掷物击打人、 动物或物品均可为hit. *When used with this meaning, strike is more formal than hit. 在用於以上意义时, strike比hit较为文雅. One can hit or strike a person with the intention of hurting them
- adj. 这两种方法哪一种好? Which of the two methods is superior?
- n. 这个协议是双方妥协的产物而不是一方让步. The agreement is a compromise, not a sell-out
- n. 这个国家的财源主要来自贸易方面. The country's wealth is based on trade
- v. 这个地方住的人很有来头(非富即贵的人住的地方). This area is very select, ie Only the most wealthy, respectable, etc people live here
- 这个地方没有好玩儿的(无法消磨空闲时间). There's nothing to do in this place, ie no means of passing one's leisure time enjoyably
- n. 这个展览会是集邮者都想去的地方. This exhibition is a mecca for stamp collectors
- v. 这个应该在什麽地方? Where does this belong? ie Where is it kept?