  • n.  大学指导一个学生的)导师   university teacher who supervises the studies of a student (
  • n.  大学某些学院的)院长(的称号).   head of certain university colleges (
  • adj.  大学中)副修科目.   subsidiary subject or course of a student at college or university (
  • v.  大学)开除(某学生).   from a university (
  •   大学二年级学生;高一年级学生   sophomore
  • n.  大学二年级生, 大学二年级学生, 第二年的工作人员, 自以为有学问而实际上幼稚浅薄的人, 大学二年级学生, 高二年级学生, 有二年经验的人   sophomore
  •   大学四年级学生;高三年级学生   senior
  • n.  大学或其他机构教师等的)长期聘用   permanent appointment as a teacher, etc in a university or some other institution (
  • n.  大家一下子全都喊叫起来, 会议秩序大乱而被迫断.   Everyone began shouting at once and the meeting broke up in disorder
  •   大家都在给他们心目的热门参赛者加油, 暗使劲儿使之获胜.   The crowd were cheering their favourite on, willing her to win
  • adj.  大小、 质量等方面)等的, 普通的   of medium size, quality, etc (
  • adj.  大小)适的, 普通的, 一般的.   of average size (
  • v.  大师风范(如绘画的)   the touchof a master, ie expert style, eg in painting
  • n.  大房间隔出的)小室.   small compartment made by separating off part of a larger room, eg for dressing, undressing or sleeping in (
  •   大教堂中的)圣母堂.   chapel in a large church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary (
  •   大楼防灾中心   building safety center