  • pref.  处於...状态或过程中   in the state or process of
  • n.  处於[陷入]激动或焦躁的情绪   into an excited or agitated state of mind
  • n.  处於从某事物获利的地位   quids `in in a position to profit from sth
  • n.  处於劣势的人或国家(不易在竞争、 斗争等获胜的)   person or country, thought to be in a weaker position, and therefore unlikely to win a contest, struggle, etc
  • n.  处於殊死战斗的两国   two nations locked in mortal combat, ie at war
  • n.  处於重返大气层运行的航天器   a spacecraft in re-`entry mode
  • adj.  处於麻烦或困难之中   in trouble or difficulty
  •   复合中心钻   combined center drill
  • n.  复合词连字号使用法的规范化问题.   the problem of the standardization of the use of hyphens in compounds
  •   夏令时中午   daylight saving noon
  • n.  夏娃(《圣经》故事《创世纪》上帝造的第一个女人)   the first woman on earth, created by God
  • n.  夏洛克, 狠毒无情的放高利贷者, 夏洛克(莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》的角色), 冷酷的高利贷者, 狠毒的放高利贷者   shylock
  •   外于危险境地而幸免于难; 逢凶化吉   land land feet
  •   外于危险境地而幸免于难; 逢凶化吉   land both feet
  •   外于危险境地而幸免于难; 逢凶化吉   fall land feet
  •   外于危险境地而幸免于难; 逢凶化吉   fall both feet