| - 高档家具五金连接件 metal connecting fitting of high grade furniture
- n. 高档家具总是很畅销. There's always a ready sale for high-quality furniture
- 高档棉法兰绒织物 gipsy cloth
- 高档汽车收放机 superior automobile radio cassette player
- 高档纯棉布织布机 high-grade pure cotton cloth loom
- 高档细薄小手帕 guest towel
- 高档细薄小手帕 finger-tip towel
- n. 高梁, 蜀黍, 高粱, 蜀黍属, 高粱糖浆, 甜得发腻的东西, 过度多情的人, 令人肉麻的文字, 高粱属的植物 sorghum
- 高梯度磁分离器 high gradient magnetic separator
- n. 高楼林立、 乌烟瘴气、 时有暴力事件的现代城市. the concrete jungle, ie a typical modern city with a dense mass ofugly high-rise concrete buildings and in which life is bewildering and sometimes violent
- n. 高楼的)顶层房子 house or flat built on the roof of a tall building (
- 高模数玻璃纤维 high modulus glass fibre
- 高模数纤维 high modulus fibre
- 高次裂变产物 high order fission product
- 高歇病 gaucher's disease
- 高比放射性 high specific activity