  •   抢镜头;出风头   steal the show
  • v.  抢风头(尤指其不意)   `show attract the most attention and praise (esp unexpectedly)
  • n.  报上登的生喜报、 讣告、 结婚启事.   notices of births, deaths and marriages in the newspapers
  • v.  报偿、 利益、 满足等(尤指付努力後所获得者)   reward, interest, enjoyment, etc, esp in return for effort
  • n.  报刊、 版社等自己的文字风格.   house style, ie written style established by a newspaper, publishing firm, etc
  • n.  报刊上的广告、 报刊评论、 版自由.   press advertising, comment, freedom
  •   报告送出日期   date result despatched
  •   报告送出日期   date result dispatched
  •   报纸上刊招聘一名能干的女职员的广告。   T.G.I.F (Thank God it's Friday)
  • n.  报纸在印刷机上印来後他拿了一份.   He took a copy of the newspaper as it came off the press
  • v.  报纸就是爱把丑事儿揭来.   Newspapers love to dig up scandal
  • n.  报纸紧紧塞在信箱里, 他很难取来.   The newspapers were so tightly jammed in the letter-box he could hardly get them out
  •   报馆里送稿付印的人, 版社的小工友   copy boy
  • vt.  披上, 披盖, 悬挂, 装饰, 把制成一定的褶皱状, 在挂上消毒帷帘, 盖上褶缀的布, 随便伸   drape
  • vt.  披上, 穿上, 戴上, 摆...样子, 采取, 接受, 穿上(衣服)   don
  •   抬头; 出现(不祥之物)   rear one's head