| - 基督教义中的)原罪(人与生俱来的罪, 始於亚当夏娃在伊甸园中犯的罪). conditionof wickedness thought to be present in everybody since Adam and Eve first sinned in the garden of Eden (
- v. 基督教徒在该国那一地区的人口中居多. Christians preponderate in the population of that part of the country
- n. 基督教教义中的)三位一体(圣父、 圣子及圣灵合为上帝). the union of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as one God (
- 堆中子能谱 reactor spectrum
- n. 堵塞, 封锁, 闭塞, 闭合, 粗型锻, 粗模锻, 划分采区, 在截槽内打楔子, 粘连, 屏蔽, 保护, 压檐墙, 滚炉, 装窑, 装坯, 再加工, 间苗, 分簇, 方块木胶合法, 龙骨墩, 垫块, 阻染, 中止氧化, 止碳, 旁路, 字组化, 单元化, 模块化, 组成化 blocking
- n. 塑料在工业中的应用. the use of plastics in industry
- vt. 塞住, 阻塞, 堵塞, 阻止, 难倒, 使狼狈, 击败, 击毙, 停止, 中止, 止住, 断绝, 止付, 扣留, 停止输送, 给...加标点, 用手指压以变音调, 系紧, 摘心, 打顶, 阻止, 击落, 终止 stop
- n. 塞入口中或覆於口上的东西(尤指布)(使人不能说话或喊叫). thing, esp a piece of cloth, putin or over a person's mouth to prevent him from speaking or shouting
- vt. 塞物于...的口中,禁止,使窒息,使呕吐,压制言论自由,插科打诨,欺骗 gag
- 塞绳中继器 cord circuit repeater
- n. 填充者, 附寄物, 贩卖假货的人, 柱塞式注压机, 织物中额外增加的经线或纱线 stuffer
- n. 填充(鸟兽等)的掏空的躯体以保存(如陈列於博物馆中) with enough material to restore it to its original shape, eg for exhibition in a museum
- vt. 填满, 占用, 使忙碌, 使从事, 把注意力集中于..., 住在..., 使用, 占领, 占据, 充任, 占有, 拥有, 住进, 占着, 占 occupy
- 填空测验(阅读理解力测验, 被测者须填出选文中删去的词语以测验理解力). comprehension test in which the person being tested tries to fill in words that have been left out of a text
- 增压中冷器 Intercooler
- 增强研究中心 Augmentation Research Center (ARC)