| - 调车方法 shunting method
- v. 谈判双方正寻求和平解决争端的办法. Negotiators are looking for a peaceful settlement to the dispute
- adj. 谈论的, 时事问题的, 总论的, 题目的, 主题的, 论题的, 话题的, 地方的, 局部的, 热门话题的 topical
- n. 谈话, 会谈, 讲话, 说话的方式、态度等, 商量, 聊天, 闲谈, 话题, 空谈, 废话, 讲演 talk
- v. 谈话的内容转到了运动方面. The conversation gravitated to sport
- v. 谢谢你各方面的热心帮助. Thank you for all your kind help
- 谢谢您,孙先生。也请收下我的名片(递上自己的名片),叫我Johnathan就行了。(两个人都看了一下对方的名片,放入皮夹而非口袋中 Thanks very much, Mr. Sun. Please accept mine. (offers his own card) and please, call me Johnathan. (both look at cards for a few seconds, then put them in wallets-not pockets.)
- 象家一样自在和舒适的地方; 旅客之家 a home from home
- n. 象徵性罢工(短期罢工, 以警告对方可能发动长期罢工). a token strike, ie a short strike serving as a warning that a longer one may follow
- 贝泰戈德斯通方程 bethe goldstone equation
- 贝蒂-布里奇曼方程 Beattie-Bridgeman equation
- n. 财政, 训练, 发展方面 the area of finance, training, development, etc
- 财政、信贷双紧方针 policy of tightening control over expenditure and credit
- n. 货币主义(以控制货币供给量作为稳定国家经济的主要方法的政策). policy of controlling the amount of money available as the chief method of stabilizing a country's economy
- 货物质量的现状条件(指卖方保证装运时的货物质量, 买方应接受货物运到时的状况) table quale
- 货物驳运方法 cargo transfer method