| - 严令教孩子们学英语; 将英语灌入孩子们的头脑 grind boys in English
- n. 中世纪吟游诗人, 中世纪法国和英国的游吟诗人 jongleur
- 中国保险英国有限公司 China Insurance UK.Co. Ltd
- 中国的大学英语教学 College English Teaching in China
- 中学校长(英) headmaster
- n. 中立议员席(英国议会中不固定追随任何政党的议员席位). seats in the British parliament occupied by those members who do not regularly support a particular political party
- 中等教育证书(英国年满15岁的学生参加的各科考试). Cf 参看 General Certificate of Education (general), General Certificate of Secondary Education (general). former examination in a range of subjects taken by pupils aged 15 and over
- 中英双方关于香港终审法院问题的协议 Agreement between the British and Chinese sides on the Question of the Court of Final Appeal in Hong Kong
- 中英文打字机 Chinese-English typewriter
- 中途停留; 中途下一下车; 用砂填塞; [英口]进监牢 stop off
- n. 中部地方, 内陆, 中部, 英格兰中部, 内地 midland
- 中间考试(英国大学入学之后毕业之前所进行的考试) the intermediate examination
- n. 丹麦人, 戴恩, 9-11世纪入侵英格兰的北欧人 dane
- v. 为自己投50000英镑的人寿保险 one's life for 50000
- 为自己投50000英镑的人寿保险 insure oneself/one's life for 50000
- abbr. 为英国皇家艺术学会会员. be an RA