| - n. 四角骓体, 四脚动物, 四脚体, 四脚底部, 四脚混凝土块, 四对称圆锥钢筋混凝土管, 四脚动物 tetrapod
- n. 回归线(北纬2327之北回归线称the tropic of Cancer, 南纬2327之南回归线称the tropic of Capricorn). =>illus at globe 见globe插图. of the equator
- 因...而获功勋; 荣获勋章(或称号) win a distinction for
- n. 因亡夫之地位而持有称号或财产的寡妇 woman who holds a title or property because of her dead husband's position
- 国君授予称号、 勋章等的)荣誉名册. list of people given titles, decorations, etc by the Sovereign (
- 国际复兴开发银行〔一般称为世界银行〕 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] [commonly known as World Bank]
- 国际证券交易所〔前称伦敦证券交易所〕 International Stock Exchange [formerly known as London Stock Exchange]
- adj. 圆的, 丰满的, 匀称的, 精美的, 多样的, 强的, 圆唇的, 四舍五入的, 全面的, 圆形的 rounded
- adj. 圆的, 肥胖的, 完全的, 球形的, 圆形的, 圆筒形的, 滚圆的, 半满的, 匀称的, 兜圈子的, 圈状的, 来回的, 完全的, 巨额的, 可观的, 用十一类整数表示的, 大概的, 圆润的, 洪亮的, 轻快有力的, 完美流畅的, 刻划得完美生动的, 圆唇的, 撮口音的, 率直的, 毫不含糊的, 严厉的, 断然的, 弧形的, 完整的, 十足的, 无零头的(数字), 丰满的 round
- 圣人岛(爱尔兰别称) I-of Saints
- n. 圣痕(与耶稣受难伤痕相应的瘢痕, 据称曾在许多圣徒身上出现, 有些基督徒视之为神圣的标志). marks resembling the wounds made by nails on the body of Christ when he was crucified, said to have appeared on the bodies of various saints and considered as a sign of holiness by some Christians
- n. 圣盘, 圣杯(耶稣在最後的晚餐所用的, 据称在耶稣被钉於十字架上时其门徒曾用以承接耶稣的血滴). plate or cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper, in which one of his followers is said to have received drops of his blood at the Crucifixion
- n. 在下议院, 国会议员间的互称. My honourable friend, ie used by a Member of Parliament to another Member of Parliament in the House of Commons
- n. 在公开场合对人的称呼 person being addressed in public
- n. 在英式英语中0这一数字有几个名称. The figure 0 has several different names in British English
- n. 地名, 以地名命名者, 表示起源、地点的植物名称, 身体部位名 toponym