  • v.  法庭确认他的要求正当, 布该合同不合法.   The court sustained his claim that the contract was illegal
  • n.  法警(尤指负责带位并布法官出庭的).   official in a lawcourt, esp one who takes people to their seats and announces the arrival of the judge
  • n.  活泼, 兴奋, 华丽堂皇, 噱头, 精力, 活力, 卖弄, 反话, 别有含义的隐语, 狂饮, 喧闹, 过分的传, 放肆的传, 不忠, 欺骗   razzmatazz
  • vt.  测量, 探测, 锤测, 试探, 用探针检查, 使发声, 告, 听诊, 测...深   sound
  •   海报上传(将上演)哈姆雷特   billed (to appear) as Hamlet
  •   海牙宣言   Declaration of the Hague
  • n.  消息宣布後一片混乱.   There was pandemonium when the news was announced
  •   消灭国际恐怖活动言   Declaration of Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism
  • n.  煽动家的方法与行为, 煽动的行为, 蛊惑民心的传   demagogy
  • n.  爱情宣言   track
  • adv.  狡黠地, 机警地, 有意识地, 故意地, 有意地, 心照不地   knowingly
  •   猎狐者看到狐狸 从隐 藏处走出时的呼叫声; 告某种东西出现时的呼叫声   view halloo
  • n.  王宫发言人刚布了一项声明.   has just issued a statement
  •   现用的文件型别宣告   active document type declaration
  •   现用的链接型别宣告   active link type declaration
  • n.  用内部通话设备宣布   over the intercom