| - n. 坐在火车里夹在两个胖子中间出不来 sitting in a railway carriage, jammed between two fat men
- adj. 坐着的, 蹲着的(动物), 停落着的(鸟), 现任的(议员), 就座的, 在任期中的, 孵卵中的, 易击中的 sitting
- 坚持到底;不中途放弃 stay the course
- n. 坦克在那次进攻中打头阵. The tanks spearheaded the offensive
- 坦率的[地]; 在两个中私下讲 between manand man (=manto man)
- 垂体中叶素 Intermedin
- 垂直空中照片 vertical aerial photograph
- 垂直置中 center Vertically
- n. 垃圾, 大块, 厚片, 旧绳絮, 干咸肉, 零碎废物, 旧货, 麻醉品, 毒品, 便宜货, 假货, 废话, 哄骗, 抹香鲸头部的脂肪组织, 中国平底帆船, 舢板船, 废物, 废旧货, 质量低劣的东西, 海洛因, (中国的)平底帆船, 舢板 junk
- 垛的中心距 buttress centres
- n. 埃奇韦尔路. An alley or lane is a narrow street between buildings. *alley和lane均指小街或小巷. An avenueis usually a wide street of houses, often in the suburbs and lined with trees. *avenue通常指两旁有房子的宽阔街道, 常指郊区的林荫道. (In US cities avenues often run at right angles to streets. 在美国城市中, avenue与street的走向常有纵横之分.) Roads (US highways) connect towns and villages *road(美国用highway)指连接城乡的公路 Edgware Road
- 埋在沙土中的球 Fired egg lie
- 埋头(在...中), 精通 saturate oneself (in)
- 埋藏海底泥土中 sea-bed insertion
- n. 城, 土民区, 北非的城堡或要塞, 北非城市中本地人的地区 kasbah
- adj. 城中最差之地段的一条邋遢的小街. a crummy little street in the worst part of town