| - 评定方法 assessment method
- n. 诉讼、 辩论等的一方的辩护事实、 理由、 论点或论据 set of facts or arguments supporting one side in a lawsuit, debate, etc
- n. 词与词之间在性、 数等方面的)一致(如动词及其作主语的复数名词之间的). agreement between words in gender, number, etc, eg between a verb and a plural noun as its subject (
- adj. 试比较nearest和next这两个词. (The) next indicates`the following' in a sequence of events or places 在涉及事情或地方的顺序时, (the) next指`下一个' Compare nearest and next.
- n. 诚实, 正直, 公正, 正确, 正直的品行和行为, 正确性的判断和方法, 直, 笔直, 清廉 rectitude
- v. 话务员, 我[我们]的线断了(我跟对方的通话中断了). we have been disconnected, ie I have lost contact with the person I was telephoning
- n. 该公司在激光技术方面已大大领先. The company has built up a substantial lead in laser technology
- v. 该函已退给(我方)要求对某问题加以解释. with a query
- v. 该国一些地方仍有人忠於前国王. Loyalty to the former king still persists in parts of the country
- n. 该戏院过分追求利润的经营方式. excessive commercialism in the theatre
- adv. 该方言主要通行於农村地区. The dialect is spoken principally in the rural areas
- n. 该足球队员向旁边跨步以避开对方拦截动作. The footballer side-stepped the tackle
- n. 该项目极佳, 但地方舆论却表示反对. The project seems excellent, but local opinion is against it
- n. 语言, 术语, 听不懂的话, 隐语, 外国话, 外国语, 难懂的话, (尤指)方言, 行话 lingo
- n. 语言, 语言课程, 文字, 使用语言的风格, 文风, 专用语, 术语, 计算机语言, 粗话, 骂人话, 表意语, 叫声, 符号组, 机器代码, 语言学, 态度, 表达方式, 语, 国语, 表情达意的方法, 专门语言, 语言文学, 语言表达能力, 方式、能力、风格, (机器)代码 language
- n. 误将球踢进己方球门(白送对方一分或比喻做某事害了自己). do sth that harms oneself