| - adv. 把瓶盖儿盖好, 要不汁液就洒出来了. Put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice will spill
- v. 把盆放在下面接住溢出物. Put a bowl underneath to catch the overflow
- 把矿砂运出坑外, 将矿砂起至矿井之上 bring to grass
- v. 把箱子抬上卡车、 抬出火车、 从架子上抬下来等. lift a box into a lorry, out of a train, down from a shelf, etc
- v. 把胡子刮刮再出门. Have a shave before you go out
- n. 把自己在某公司的股份售出. sell one's interest in a company
- 把自己的一切拿出来打赌, 敢保没错 bet one's hat
- 把船具备齐, 准备出航 fix out
- n. 把要做的事列出清单 make a list of things one must do
- n. 把这些捣乱分子赶出去. Let's pitch out the troublemakers
- 把这些豆子里的沙粒挑出去. Pick over the lentils carefully in case there are any stones amongst them
- n. 把这部分画暗些以显出人影 this area to represent the person's shadow
- vt. 把逐出教会,剥夺教会资格 unchurch
- v. 把邻居的猫赶出花园. hunt the neighbour's cats out of the garden
- v. 把门、窗等闩上使某人无法出入於(建筑物等) by fastening the door, windows, etc with a bar or bars
- v. 把面粉中的面块筛出来、 把小麦的壳筛掉. the lumps from the flour, the wheat from the chaff