  •   把…逐社交圈子;与…绝交   send sb. to Coventry
  • n.  把一物体表面上的突物刨掉.   plane away the irregularities on a surface
  • n.  把两本帐一比较, 发现有许多入.   Comparison of the two accounts revealed numerous disparities
  • vt.  把从洞穴中逐, 放窝, 暴露, 揭开, 揭发   unkennel
  •   把你的手从衣袋里拿来.   Take your hands out of your pockets
  • v.  把你的游泳衣里的水拧去.   Wring the water out of your wet bathing costume
  •   把兔子从躲藏的地方赶来(以供猎取); 话离本题; 提枝节问题, 转移目标   start a hare
  • n.  把口销售额登入分类帐.   post export sales
  • n.  把剑拔出[插入鞘中].   put it into its sheath
  • adj.  把动物从陷阱中放来.   free an animal from a trap
  • v.  把囚犯偷偷带出大门   smuggle a prisoner through the main gates
  • n.  把小棵的挑出来扔掉.   sort out the smaller plants and throw them away
  • v.  把小汽车从烂泥里拽来   haul a car out of the mud
  • n.  把工作包去(让别人做).   to be done by another firm rather than one's own
  • v.  把希腊文地名用罗马字母写.   transliterate Greek place-names into Roman letters
  •   把心里话痛痛快快地说来, 畅所欲言   speak one's mind (out)